Worship Services

We have three regular times that we meet together every week.

Sunday school


Our Sunday School classes are designed to help us learn more about God's Word in a small group setting.  We have classes for both adults and children. Classes last about 45 minutes.



This is our main gathering.  All ages meet together in the auditorium to worship the Lord through singing, prayer, giving, fellowship, Bible reading, and preaching.  During the sermon time, we have a Children's Church available for young kids where they can learn on their own level.



Wednesdays are relaxed times of prayer and Bible study together. We typically work interactively through a passage of Scripture.

What to Expect

When attending a church for the first time, it's often helpful to know what to expect before you get there!  If you are thinking of visiting our church, here is a "heads-up" to what our services are like:

PREACHING AND TEACHING -- Pastor Ben is known for being able to teach the Bible in a way that is easily understandable even by those who have never attended church before.  You will find his sermons to be focused on explaining what the Bible says and how it is applied to our lives.   Pastor Vunk is also an excellent Bible teacher who loves "rabbit trail" discussions that go with the Bible passage being discussed.   Our children's and teen class teachers are very experienced in working with children and teaching the Bible so kids can understand.

MUSIC -- The music at our church tends to be on the traditional side.  We value singing songs like hymns that are meaningful and historical. We have some "special music" performances, but we focus mostly on the congregation using their voices together to bring glory to God.  Our instrumental accompaniment is typically a piano, acoustic guitar, and flute.   

CLOTHING - We do not have a "dress code" to come to church!  Some people like to dress up, and others prefer to wear their jeans and t-shirts.   Please don't let clothing be a hindrance for coming to church.   Come as you are comfortable.  

GIVING - We take up an offering every Sunday, but don't feel obligated to give money if you are visiting.   The offerings are a way for our regular members and attenders to honor God by giving back to God out of their faith in Him.

PARKING - We don't really have a parking lot.  Most people park in the grass along the side of our church building.  You'll see cars there when you arrive!

WHERE TO GO ONCE YOU ARRIVE - Come in the front double doors.  There are restrooms right inside the entrance.  Inside, there are two sets of double doors to go through to get into the auditorium.  Our building is small so it's pretty easy to get around.  When you enter the auditorium, feel free to sit in whichever pew you like!

If you have any questions about our services or anything relating to our church, feel free to send us a question here.